As I think about what it means to be a parent, I think about the old adage "It takes a village to raise a child". On my own journey to becoming a woman, my mother and father had many people to support them whether they knew it or not in regards to my upbringing. Many of these people did not have children but they parented my brothers, sister, and I.
Being a mother has been one of the most momentous times of my life and continues to be such. However I do understand that many of the adults that make up my community help to create my awesome experience as a parent by guiding my children along the way. For me Mother's Day is a time to celebrate all the females in your life who nurture your heart and soul. It doesnt necessarily have to be your birth mother, it could be any female that guides you on your personal journey. The same goes for Father's Day. Children also need guidance from positive male figures who help to respectfully shape their being. These men should be honored as well on Father's Day.
Ultimately it is of my thought that we should reevaluate the way we view the roles of "Mother" and "Father" or at least what it means to "Parent" a child. As we start to notice the culture and climate of violence in our society and how we react to one another maybe having communal parenting may help wayward children focus on finding their way and completing their journey.
Nashima Harvey, Ed.M